Report of A Conversation. This is a report of a conversation held on the 10th of April 2021 @ 10 Salawu Street off Karimu Street Surulere Lagos @ A Little Sleep A Little Slumber Empowerment Outreach Vocational Center. The Round Table Discussion was tagged “People Relationship Management” and was hosted by the Director of Admin. This she organized in view of educating the staff and students of the Vocational Center on a very critical issue of sales and dealing with Customers. Some students explained based on their understanding how to handle their customers and their behavior towards them. 11 tips were discussed. They are listening, feedbacks, be prompt, be genuine, be patient, maintain relationships, use social media, add value, make life easier, etc. Everyone had a fresh idea from the angle of their various departments. It was fun learning and getting to know each other as well as light refreshment. Admin said that the conversation will be going on from time to time.😀